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by Crypton
05 Feb 2020 07:03
Forum: MuWire
Topic: Feature Requests
Replies: 150
Views: 189759

Re: Feature Requests

Thanks for your reply @zlatinb To make MuWire (and anonymous filesharing) more popular I think a standalone version would be important. Just install, run and it works... and it is not needed to open an extra browser for it. A standalone version using Electron technology would be fine too. I'm not a ...
by Crypton
31 Jan 2020 21:43
Forum: MuWire
Topic: Feature Requests
Replies: 150
Views: 189759

Re: Feature Requests

Hi, i'm new to MuWire and I really like it :D I'm using the stand-alone client (AppImage). I have some feature requests: - A network tab to see a list of connected peers. - In download screen (when clicking a file that is downloading) showing the peers where we're downloading from. - Showing bitrate...