Search found 2 matches

by COMiX
04 Nov 2018 08:06
Forum: I2PSnark
Topic: Is the "regular" Transmission program that one alluded as "I2pTransmission"?
Replies: 2
Views: 17701

Re: Is the "regular" Transmission program that one alluded as "I2pTransmission"?

Hello A) This is a modified version of Transmission-bt 2.82, large part of source code added/adapted B) Configuration need some extra parameters C) No plugins or complements, the code design don't allow this. (except if you rewrite all the code). You can use this client in 2 ways. -With anonymous i2...
by COMiX
12 Sep 2018 19:46
Forum: Router
Topic: Why does i2p start running by itself after installation?
Replies: 2
Views: 17398

Re: Why does i2p start running by itself after installation?

try with dpkg-reconfigure i2p, as root

During the config, 'should i2p start at boot' -> NO