Hi Everyone,
With the upcoming release, Usability study and preparing for Distributed Camp at the end of the month, it has been a very busy few week.
IA Workshop Progress
Small changes have been made to remove assumed dev knowledge terminology from the downloads page on the website.
Operator Guides are on course to be completed in the next few weeks. A huge thank you to Marek again for the work on the Out Proxy guide, and as well as IDK who created a new standalone Reseed host guide for Docker. I2P site ( eepsite ) guides as well are being updated.
On the topic of reseeds, thank you to those of you who have tested the new guides and successfully set up new hosts!
As well as Operator Guides, the I2P download package and application descriptions has been drafted and drawn for the site as well.
Improved set up wizard instructions have been drafted, and if possible an additional step will be created to include some instruction for Addressbook.
This is turning into a big undertaking and a great community led and collaborative effort. Thanks to Simply Secure for the support and guidance.
I2P Community Newspaper
A very exciting announcement is that an I2P community newspaper has been started by Red! Last year I saw the post on zzz’s forum and I am so happy to be included in this awesome project!
This is a great opportunity for I2P participants to get creative. So far we have brainstormed on some articles and topics to feature such as the I2P site of the week, “Meet Your Maintainer,” which would be an opportunity to highlight the work of our Devs and service operators, and latest software features. And yes, there will be crosswords.
So far some names suggested for the paper are:
The Itoopietian
I2P Observer
I2P Oracle
Do you have a suggestion? Let us know! Look for the announcement for the first release soon.
I am so happy to announce that there are some new standalone reseed servers to help the network.
The network needs as many reliable reseed hosts as possible to help new participants join the network. Thanks to everyone who has reached out!
Release Notes and Reminders
The next release is very very soon! Everyone should be looking forward to the speed improvements that the devs have been working on.
In case anyone missed it, zzz has announced that the Vuze plugin is obsolete. Please switch to BiglyBT as soon as possible so you have the latest security and performance updates for I2P and maintain network compatibility.
Also from zzz - a reminder The next I2P release 0.9.46 will be the last one that supports Java 7.
Anybody still on Java 7, Wheezy, Jessie, Precise, or Trusty will not be able to install with our official installers, and will not be able to automatically update.
You may still be able to build it yourself, if you have the required backport packages.
Please ensure you have updated to Java 8 or higher, and/or Debian Stretch or higher, and/or Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) or higher to continue receiving I2P updates.
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I2P Updates May 22, 2020
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