Some kind of wish list?

The MuWire file sharing application
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Some kind of wish list?

Post by lgillis »

Many requests for media from the various participants come to nothing. However, it currently makes little sense for other participants to follow up on keyword searches and add to their library if necessary, because the searches are usually not repeated later, i.e. after a few days.

What do you think of a participant-related wish list, i.e. a simple text file that optionally contains the contact address in addition to the actual wish.

I imagine the process as follows: the participant places the wish list, hereafter "wishlist" as one word, in his library in the normal way, both as a text file and as a ".mwcomment", so that the files can already be read during the search.

The interested participants then generally search for the "wishlist" of the other participants. If they can and want to fulfill a wish, they prepare everything necessary and briefly contact the requesting participant by built-in mail or so ...

That's as far as I've got, so first I'd like to know what you think. Does this make sense or is it nonsense?
Luther H. Gillis · Private Investigator · Discreet & Confidential

Re: Some kind of wish list?

Post by zlatinb »

Interesting and useful feature. I think it would need more infrastructure changes than just adding a "wishlist.txt" file. (I don't want to reserve the "wishlist" keyword).

Maybe have a special feature "Save to wishlist", then when searching have an option "Search in wishlists". Also have "browse wishlist" for a specific user like "browse files" works.

It would be a big change though, so it will most probably wait until after 1.0.0. Thanks for the suggestion!
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Re: Some kind of wish list?

Post by lgillis »

I'm glad you like the idea, zlatinb! Actually, you were not directly addressed, because I did not want to give you additional work and assumed such trifles could solve the users among themselves, if they inform themselves and keep a little up to date. In addition, I thought of your hint with unexpected media at previews, if they would be sent along without being asked. When queried by the participants themselves, the wish lists are already not taken into account, where the participants are blocked for a good reason.

How the wish list is finally called should be bindingly defined by someone, so that it can be searched for specifically and uniformly. Maybe something upscale that is not used so often, such as "desideratum" (whereby this is the translation of "Desiderat", which already makes this word questionable). With this we then filter out the offer of people like albat, who seem to have everything (joking ;-) but we run the risk that this is not generally understood. Fortunately, I already have enough problems with my own language and would gladly leave that to someone with language skills.

It will probably take some time until version 1.0.1, in the meantime you could also link the title with the keyword for the sake of simplicity. Something like this: "Wishlist, looking for: Video on Pipewire for Musicians.txt". In the text file itself the details are given. One file per request. If the wish was fulfilled, the file is simply removed and so it does not come to the difficulties, which can arise by subsequent change of the already published files.
Luther H. Gillis · Private Investigator · Discreet & Confidential
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Re: Some kind of wish list?

Post by lgillis »

After a good week a first conclusion. This forum post has 190 views so far. My Muwire status regularly shows under 400 known hosts and between 65 and 72 connections. In the part of the MuWire network that I can still reach (189 blocked for suspected child abuse since the beginning of the year), I have not yet found a corresponding request.
Luther H. Gillis · Private Investigator · Discreet & Confidential
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