i2p docker nas

I2P router issues
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i2p docker nas

Post by apelton »

Hello everyone,

I recently startet to run i2p dockerized on my nas. I managed to set up everything but I do have some questions and hope that you guys can help me. I do not have an IT background so I hope you will forgive me if some of them seem overly simple.

In version it says 0.9.31-0-1ubuntu1, but on my windows machine it is already on 0.9.34. I picked to pull "latest", is this the actual latest version for this?
Also, I used to edit my wrapper.conf, but I cannot find it in its directory. Is there something like this in this variant or another way to achieve this?

Thanks in advance.
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Re: i2p docker nas

Post by echelon »


As seen on geti2p.net the latest release version is 0.9.34. But depending on the system you use, you may get older packages from your repository.
Check geti2p.net/i2p-projekt.de for latest updates.
The wrapper.conf is a seperate config for the java wrapper. That file should be in /etc/i2p/wrapper.config.
But I2P does also run without that wrapper, check the runplain.sh script.
It will loose the ability to be restarted from router console while running without wrapper.

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Re: i2p docker nas

Post by apelton »


thanks for your answer. I used https://hub.docker.com/r/geti2p/i2p/ and it pulled 0.9.31, so is there something wrong in how this is set up? Also, /etc/i2p/wrapper.config simply wasn't created with this (has it to with

rm -rf /var/lib/i2p && \
mkdir -p /var/lib/i2p/i2p-config && \
chown -R i2psvc:i2psvc /var/lib/i2p && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* /var/tmp/* /tmp/*?),

I always ran it with wrapper.config in order to increase memory for the router (just now, as I was writing this the router ran out of memory and shut down... -_-). As I know nothing about changing the commands used, would it be the best way to proceed to just try a different docker build?

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Re: i2p docker nas

Post by echelon »


Oh, you do use the docker image (and did not create a new, own docker container).
OK, that image is managed by a member outside of the current I2P team. Sorry I did mixed that.
Currently the dev of the docker container is not reachable and did not update the container for unknown reason.
Sorry I cannot help more in here. But I did see there is a pull request on the docker container for 0.9.33 already.
If we get in contact with the docker image admin, we request a upgrade.

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Re: i2p docker nas

Post by apelton »


thx for your reply. I'd like to use the somewhat official docker image from https://hub.docker.com/r/meeh/i2p.i2p/ but I fail to set persistent storage as the standard var/lib/i2p path doesn't work. Can anyone point me in the right direction? And is there another way to increase wrapper.java.maxmemory besides wrapper.conf? Could I just copy the wrapper.conf from github and place it in the i2p folder?

Thx in advance,

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Re: i2p docker nas

Post by spammywindy »

Is this the only place you can keep the wrapper.config? If it is stored here, it belongs to `root` not the current user. Can I create a wrapper.config inside ~/.i2p and have i2p read all configurations from there instead or i2p will only read configurations from /etc/i2p/wrapper.config ?
echelon wrote: 22 Apr 2018 19:21 The wrapper.conf is a seperate config for the java wrapper. That file should be in /etc/i2p/wrapper.config.
NEVER MIND: I found the answer here: https://trac.i2p2.de/wiki/OOM
TL;TR: /etc/i2p/wrapper.config is where i2p stores configurations for the wrapper.
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