Reducing console themes

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Reducing console themes

Post by zzz »

To reduce the maintenance burden of 4 separate themes in the console and webapps, and ease the way for the next console redesign, we're considering removing the classic and midnight themes. The light and dark themes would remain, and light would remain the default.

If anybody would be sad to see classic go, or likes midnight better than dark, please comment below. If you like the light theme the best, or didn't even know you could change the theme in the console, please comment below.

This change is under consideration for the 0.9.36 release in September.
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Joined: 29 May 2018 18:41

Re: Reducing console themes

Post by aluxe »

I personally prefer the classic theme.
It could be my imagination but it feels like the pages load faster.
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Re: Reducing console themes

Post by wed »

theme is not important to me, as long as i can read it all the time.
which excludes darkblue on black or something like that.



Re: Reducing console themes

Post by slumlord »

I am in favor of reducing the number of themes.
One dark-on-light and one light-on-dark theme would make the developers & testers tasks easier. I don't know what the differences between the Midnight and Dark themes are, I would do no better than 50:50 when asked to identify them visually. It doesn't matter to me which one we keep, either one is fine to me.

I look at computer screens for significant amounts of time and I find that dark-on-light applications cause an increased amount of stress/strain on my eyes as compared to light-on-dark.

I use these plugins to invert any websites that I come across to help with eye strain: ... ieeh?hl=en

I have a few custom Stylish rules for I2P sites to complement the plugins above which I will share in a different forum post. ... hemes-for/

The Stylish extension has been found to be selling user's data. Please use Stylus instead: ... gmne?hl=en
Last edited by slumlord on 05 Jul 2018 07:49, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Reducing console themes

Post by MANIAC »

I have no problem with the changes. Will you share what the console redesign has in store?
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