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Does the router need a page for new users?
Posted: 17 Jul 2018 20:27
Many people complain that the router console is difficult. I'm wondering if I should create a short write-up for post-install basics for new users. I'm thinking around a paragraph each section, covering topics like network configuration, bandwidth adjustment, addressbook subscriptions, anything else that might get in a new user's way. If it's good enough, I'll probably ask for it to be added to the router console.
Is this a good use of my time? What topics routinely cause problems for new users?
Re: Does the router need a page for new users?
Posted: 18 Jul 2018 00:33
by villain
IMO there is too much text displayed to new users, literally a wall of text right when you open I2P console the first time. Maybe reductionist approach will be more effective? Like, the less is the better.
Thou most of I2P users right now are "power users", they might even enjoy tweaking different router settings. So balance need to be found for sure...
Re: Does the router need a page for new users?
Posted: 18 Jul 2018 11:37
by zzz
Good timing, we are working on these issues now. Sadie is coordinating usability testing. Slumlord is rewriting the wall-of-text. We're thinking about how to enhance the new-install experience, possibly with a wizard or better intro text, although it's not clear exactly how we'd do that.
One way to contribute is to comment on the related console tickets on trac; another is to contact sadie or slumlord and offer your help. You could also mock up, or code up, your ideas and share the results.