I2P News and Updates: May 24th, 2019

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Joined: 18 Feb 2018 15:54

I2P News and Updates: May 24th, 2019

Post by sadie »

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I2P will be at RightsCon in Tunis next month! If you are attending, please get in touch and lets meet up! The event schedule has just been posted this week https://rightscon2019.sched.com/

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I2P is hoping to expand its localization efforts for China and the Middle East. Please consider getting involved https://www.transifex.com/otf/I2P/ Localization Lab supports Internet Freedom by bringing together a community of volunteers who translate privacy and anti-censorship tools into their own language. Find out more and help other projects too: http://www.localizationlab.org/

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To install this update, a full uninstall is required. Please remember to backup all mail and keys!
Get it on Google Play https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... d&hl=en_CA and the I2P Official App Repository https://geti2p.net/en/

Proposal Updates

Proposal 144

This proposal defines a new end-to-end protocol to replace ElGamal/AES+SessionTags.

There are five portions of the protocol to be redesigned:

The new and existing session container formats are replaced with new formats.
ElGamal (256 byte public keys, 128 byte private keys) is be replaced with ECIES-X25519 (32 byte public and private keys)
AES is be replaced with AEAD_ChaCha20_Poly1305 (abbreviated as ChaChaPoly below)
SessionTags will be replaced with ratchets, which is essentially a cryptographic, synchronized PRNG.
The AES payload, as defined in the ElGamal/AES+SessionTags specification, is replaced with a block format similar to that in NTCP2.

Proposal 123
New NetDB Entries

This proposal defines 5 new DatabaseEntry types and the process for storing them to and retrieving them from the network database, as well as the method for signing them and verifying those signatures.

Proposal 150
Garlic Farm Protocol

This is the spec for the Garlic Farm wire protocol, based on JRaft, its "exts" code for implementation over TCP, and its "dmprinter" sample application [JRAFT]. JRaft is an implementation of the Raft protocol [RAFT].

We were unable to find any implementation with a documented wire protocol. However, the JRaft implementation is simple enough that we could inspect the code and then document its protocol. This proposal is the result of that effort.

This will be the backend for coordination of routers publishing entries in a Meta LeaseSet. See proposal 123.

Proposal 151
ECDSA Key Blinding

Some people don't like EdDSA or RedDSA. We should offer some alternatives and let them blind ECDSA signatures.
Works the same way as RedDSA, but everything is in Big Endian. Only same signature types are allowed, e.g. 1->1, 2->2, 3->3.

Everyone is welcome to attend weekly meetings. If you would like to participate or stay up to date, join us on Mondays, 6:30 PM UTC, IRC #ls2

I2P Lab
This is the home of various experimental projects that are not yet ready to go live. We invite you to look around and give them a try, but we do not offer support for them. Any of these projects may be discontinued at any time. Available for testing now is the Zero-Dependency installer - an I2P installer for Windows that does not depend on an existing Java installation. It includes all required dependencies. Also, an I2P Browser, which is preconfigured to work with I2P and which has privacy focused patches and configuration.

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Tails 3.14 was released this week https://tails.boum.org/news/version_3.14/index.en.html

A reminder that Tails will reintroduce I2P if there is volunteer to take care of maintaining I2P in Tails. If you are a developer and care about I2P in Tails, come talk to us! On IRC #i2p-dev , On the I2P dev forum http://zzz.i2p

I2P Discussions

Review of Threat Model

There is an open discussion proposed on zzz's forum with regards to updating the I2P threat model. I would encourage anyone who would like to get involved to support the effort and help with future enhancements!

Have a great weekend everyone,
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