I2P Updates April 17th, 2020

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I2P Updates April 17th, 2020

Post by sadie »

Insights From The Brand and Identity Workshop

Thank you too everyone who participated in the I2P Brand and Identity survey a few weeks ago!

Brand identity and values builds trust and helps reach a larger audience of other people who share the same goals, vision and values.

Here are some initial results from Ura’s synthesis. The final document is still being fine tuned.

To support the growth of privacy and security based networks and applications.

A truly free and private online future.

Freedom , Privacy, Safety, and Trust.

The I2P Voice

The tone is clear and direct. It strikes a balance between professional and friendly. It empathizes with users. I2P is a trusted and helpful environment where guidance is provided.

I2P avoids hyperbolic language, does not over-promise. It values clarity over all. Its tone is natural, less formal, grounded in real, everyday conversations. Occasionally we are fun and do not take ourselves too seriously, but we always take the needs of others seriously.

I2P treats every user equally. It adapts to different backgrounds, and expertise levels. It aims to boil down technical concepts and descriptions to a minimum to ensure its intentions are relatable and easy to understand.

I2P Personality

It has a trustworthy, cautious and vigilant personality. It is reasonably opinionated, with cautious optimism and responsible pessimism.
I2P has a rational personality, and an open and simple voice which makes it more friendly and approachable for a diversity of people.

I2P aspires to building a truly free and private online future for all.

Things to consider for communication

Use less jargon or buzzwords.
No choppy or long -winded sentences.
Avoid using phrases like “simply” or “it’s that simple” or It’s easy” in a procedure.
No Internet slang or abbreviations.

Next week user testing and interviews are being scheduled to focus on how people interact with the router console. What do you use most? What do you think it could do without? Feedback is important!

Docs and Download Workflows

Drafted updates have been made to remove technical jargon and make the download process more friendly for new users. Additionally, the About section on the project website will be updated to describe the actual download bundle and its applications rather than spending too much time describing the technical description of the network.

Download and Installation workflow ideas have been formalized and the UX team will begin making those changes over the next few weeks. The OS icons will be updated to the I2P blue, and OS specific guides with screenshots will be created.

Operator Guides

This is part of an initiative to support and and bring on more service operators. Decentralized networks means relying on its community in order to stay healthy and running smoothly.

A section on the site will be dedicated to Operator Guides to provide a thorough knowledge base for supporting I2P infrastructure. This includes serving content, outproxy and reseed servers. If anyone has any knowledge and experience they would like to share and would like to participate in this process please get in touch with me! A very big thank you too Marek who has written about outproxies in I2P. This will be one of the first documents to be featured in the knowledge base on the I2P site.

We have been doing lots of workshops with Simply Secure to guide us towards many improvements and target specific things to improve. There have been many weeks using sticky notes =)
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I2PTunnel UI Updates

IDK has been working on revisions to I2PTunnel’s webUI. Here is a look at what is in progress.
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Tables are organized for all the tunnel types by category, all tables are collapsable and advanced options are collapsed by default.
This is a great time to remind everyone that building the latest release and testing during the release cycle is a great way to get involved in the development process. I2P always needs and benefits from peer review.

- Sadie
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